
Clavier+ 11.4.1 Keyboard shortcut app for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

Clavier+ Abstract:

Clavier+ allows creating keyboard shortcuts involving almost any key, including the Windows keys located around the spacebar. It is a free and open source launch application that's powerful and well-designed.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

View and edit current global hotkeys - Screenshot of Clavier+
View and edit current global hotkeys.
Screenshot of Clavier+ - 1557px · 1080px
Assign custom hotkeys for apps, files, webpages, text or symbols - Screenshot of Clavier+
Assign custom hotkeys for apps, files, webpages, text or symbols.
Screenshot of Clavier+ - 1557px · 1080px
Create custom keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys) to start programs - Screenshot of Clavier+
Create custom keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys) to start programs.
Screenshot of Clavier+ - 1557px · 1080px
Keyboard shortcut creating software utilities - Screenshot of Clavier+
Keyboard shortcut creating software utilities.
Screenshot of Clavier+ - 1557px · 1080px